Aug 8, 2023 | Events, OMM Academy
OMM’s Workout Wednesday heads out for some speedwork with a difference. Sam & James take us through a big hill rep workout on some handy tracks close to OMM Towers. Inspired by Norwegian 1500m Champ Jakob Ingebrigtsen, this is a daunting session that should...
Jul 7, 2023 | Events, OMM Academy
Wednesday Workout – James and Sam tackle unfamiliar territory with a interval track workout, how useful is a track workout for mountain running? Track workout for mountain running 12 x 400m: Track workout for mountain running Warm Up 5 – 10 minutes easy jog:...
Jun 20, 2023 | Events, News
Another OMM Lite at Grasmere in the bag! Here are some of my thoughts from the weekend and aspirations for the next OMM Lite on the 1st – 3rd of June 2024. OMM Lite Report 2023 OMM Lite Report 2023 OMM Lite Report 2023 I would like to start the report with a huge...
Mar 3, 2022 | Events, OMM Academy
OMM Competitor and OMM Lite Course Planner, Sam Atkinson, takes a look at the decision process OMM competitors face when moving between checkpoints. Decisions decisions Decisions decisions With the 53rd OMM only a few short weeks away, we thought it would be fitting...